SNPRelate-package | Parallel Computing Toolset for Genome-Wide Association Studies |
hapmap_geno | SNP genotypes of HapMap samples |
plot.snpgdsEigMixClass | Eigen-analysis on SNP genotype data |
plot.snpgdsPCAClass | Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on SNP genotype data |
snpgdsAdmixPlot | Plot Ancestry Proportions |
snpgdsAdmixProp | Estimate ancestral proportions from the eigen-analysis |
snpgdsAdmixTable | Plot Ancestry Proportions |
snpgdsAlleleSwitch | Allele-switching |
snpgdsApartSelection | Select SNPs with a basepair distance |
snpgdsBED2GDS | Conversion from PLINK BED to GDS |
snpgdsClose | Close the SNP GDS File |
snpgdsCombineGeno | Merge SNP datasets |
snpgdsCreateGeno | Create a SNP genotype dataset from a matrix |
snpgdsCreateGenoSet | Create a SNP genotype dataset from a GDS file |
snpgdsCutTree | Determine clusters of individuals |
snpgdsDiss | Individual dissimilarity analysis |
snpgdsDrawTree | Draw a dendrogram |
snpgdsEIGMIX | Eigen-analysis on SNP genotype data |
snpgdsErrMsg | Get the last error information |
snpgdsExampleFileName | Example GDS file |
SNPGDSFileClass | SNPGDSFileClass |
SNPGDSFileClass-class | SNPGDSFileClass |
snpgdsFst | F-statistics (fixation indices) |
snpgdsGDS2BED | Conversion from GDS to PLINK BED |
snpgdsGDS2Eigen | Conversion from GDS to Eigen (EIGENSTRAT) |
snpgdsGDS2PED | Conversion from GDS to PED |
snpgdsGEN2GDS | Conversion from Oxford GEN format to GDS |
snpgdsGetGeno | To get a genotype matrix |
snpgdsGRM | Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) for SNP genotype data |
snpgdsHCluster | Hierarchical cluster analysis |
snpgdsHWE | Statistical test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
snpgdsIBDKING | KING method of moment for the identity-by-descent (IBD) analysis |
snpgdsIBDMLE | Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for the Identity-By-Descent (IBD) Analysis |
snpgdsIBDMLELogLik | Log likelihood for MLE method in the Identity-By-Descent (IBD) Analysis |
snpgdsIBDMoM | PLINK method of moment (MoM) for the Identity-By-Descent (IBD) Analysis |
snpgdsIBDSelection | Get a table of IBD coefficients |
snpgdsIBS | Identity-By-State (IBS) proportion |
snpgdsIBSNum | Identity-By-State (IBS) |
snpgdsIndInb | Individual Inbreeding Coefficients |
snpgdsIndInbCoef | Individual Inbreeding Coefficient |
snpgdsIndivBeta | Individual inbreeding and relatedness estimation (beta estimator) |
snpgdsLDMat | Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) analysis |
snpgdsLDpair | Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) |
snpgdsLDpruning | Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) based SNP pruning |
snpgdsOpen | Open a SNP GDS File |
snpgdsOption | Option settings: chromosome coding, etc |
snpgdsPairIBD | Calculate Identity-By-Descent (IBD) Coefficients |
snpgdsPairIBDMLELogLik | Log likelihood for MLE method in the Identity-By-Descent (IBD) Analysis |
snpgdsPairScore | Genotype Score for Pairs of Individuals |
snpgdsPCA | Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on SNP genotype data |
snpgdsPCACorr | PC-correlated SNPs in principal component analysis |
snpgdsPCASampLoading | Project individuals onto existing principal component axes |
snpgdsPCASNPLoading | SNP loadings in principal component analysis |
snpgdsPED2GDS | Conversion from PLINK PED to GDS |
snpgdsSampMissRate | Missing Rate of Samples |
snpgdsSelectSNP | SNP selection |
snpgdsSlidingWindow | Sliding window |
snpgdsSNPList | Create a SNP list object |
snpgdsSNPListClass | the class of a SNP list |
snpgdsSNPListIntersect | Get a common SNP list between two SNP list objects |
snpgdsSNPListStrand | Switch allele strand. |
snpgdsSNPRateFreq | Allele Frequency, Minor Allele Frequency, Missing Rate of SNPs |
snpgdsSummary | Summary of GDS genotype file |
snpgdsTranspose | Transpose genotypic matrix |
snpgdsVCF2GDS | Reformat VCF file(s) |
snpgdsVCF2GDS_R | Reformat a VCF file (R implementation) |
SNPRelate | Parallel Computing Toolset for Genome-Wide Association Studies |